Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Chimney Repairs?

When it comes to homeowners insurance covering chimney repair, there is good news and bad news. The good news is, damage that occurs as a result of a sudden, unexpected incident will usually be covered. The not-so-good news is that any damage resulting from normal wear and tear is typically never covered. To determine if you can claim the damage on your chimney, you must understand how your…

When to Call in a Chimney Sweep for Help

As we approach the cold winter months, many people are wondering when a good time to call a chimney sweep may be. In short: now. Before you start using it on a regular basis. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend hiring a chimney sweep once a year, and in this post we will help you understand why this important for your home and for your safety. Chimney Sweep Responsibilities The job of a…

Why Does My Chimney Smell?

Homeowners will occasionally call in inquiring about smells coming from their chimney. The chimney is designed and constructed to pull air up and out, however, there are a few common reasons you may be experiencing what industry professionals refer to as a drafting issue – when air is coming back in through the chimney. It is extremely important to have any drafting issues addressed, causing a…

5 Tips to Help Keep Your Fireplace and Chimney in Good Condition

A wood-burning fireplace is one of the nicest features of your home on a cold day. To ensure you can use your fireplace whenever you want, it’s important to maintain it and your chimney. Keeping up on your maintenance year-round will keep you from hitting any snags come the colder months of the year. Here are five tips that will help you keep your fireplace and chimney in excellent…

Why Does My Chimney Smell In The Summer?

In the middle of this hot Indiana summer, it’s likely that you haven’t thought much about your chimney. That is, until you could no longer ignore that persistent musty, smoky odor. It’s normal for a chimney to have a scent, but if your chimney is noticeably smelly, especially in the summer, there is an issue that needs to be addressed. If you are struggling with chimney odor this summer, the…

The 3 Levels of Chimney Inspections

An annual chimney inspection is paramount for the health of your home. Whether or not you use your chimney regularly, you need to ensure that it stays functionally safe and efficient. While most homeowners know the importance of a regular chimney inspection, many are unaware of the different degrees of chimney inspections and what type you should call to schedule. Here is a breakdown of the…

5 Issues Commonly Identified During a Chimney Sweep and Inspection

Your chimney is a vital part of your Indianapolis, IN, home. It provides a way for you to heat your home and vent some of your appliances. The fireplace also adds timeless aesthetic appeal to the inside of your home. Chimneys require regular maintenance to function safely, efficiently and properly. Brick + Ember Outfitters (B+E) recommends an annual chimney sweep and inspection to ensure your…

How to Prepare Your Indianapolis Home for a Chimney Sweep

As a Indianapolis, IN,  homeowner, you know the importance of preparation. The last house project you did by yourself, whether it was touching up the paint on the trim of your house or adding a new garden in your backyard, took a little planning and preparation. The early steps of any project can make all the difference. When you hire a certified chimney sweep, you shouldn’t have to do much.…

The 5 Most Common Chimney Problems—And How to Fix Them

As a homeowner, you know that the mechanisms of your house require regular maintenance and care to run safely and smoothly. This is particularly true of your fireplace and chimney. As part of your home’s structure, a damaged chimney could lead to some serious and costly problems if left neglected. A regular maintenance and inspection schedule is the best way to catch and fix any smaller issues…

Freezing Temperatures Can Damage Your Chimney

Winter weather can be harsh—on your skin, on your sinuses, on your morale. This weather can also be harsh on your chimney. Snow, ice and freezing temperatures can all lead to masonry chimney damage. It’s important to recognize any signs of that damage so that repairs can be made as soon as possible.Read more